Support Provided by the Wings for Life Spinal Cord Research Foundation (grant WFL-US-17/20 ) and the National Institutes of Health (grant P20GM103436).
The contents of this work are the responsibility of the grantees and does not reflec t the official views of the funding agencies.

SCI-GEE: Spinal Cord Injury Gene Expression Explorer

SCI-GEE is a framework allowing for the exploration of publicly available bulk RNA-seq datasets for studies related to spinal cord injury. This framework prepares the data in a common TPM-normalized format using a common GTF file for all samples related to the same species, which provides the availability for meta-analysis across studies. Additional information is provided for homologous gene sequences, allowing comparision across mouse, rat, and human studies. Currently, over 1,100 samples from 50 studies taken from the Sequence Read Archive and Gene Expression Omnibus are available for exploration, representing data from 10 species.

SUMMARY (updated 9/1/2022)
 Studies   Tissues   Injury Sites 
50 21 20
 Samples   Experimental Conditions   Species 
1196 36 9


Injury Sites
Time Since Injury
Injury Types
Tissue Types (All Organisms)
Tissue Types (Mouse)
Tissue Types (Rat)